As you probably already know by now we are Daniel and Aaron, content creators and avid DIYers/weekend warriors. We live and work in Los Angeles, CA. In 2020 we decided to tackle our first big DIY project together. It was the beginning of summer and the world had just shutdown thanks to a global pandemic. We were all trapped in our houses and, unfortunately for us, our house had no A/C and summers here in Southern California have been getting progressively hotter so we knew we needed to do something about it. It was after getting a quote for over ten thousand dollars to setup an HVAC system that we decided to take matters into our own hands. With only some previous experience installing a simple, one room mini-split system we endeavored to setup a whole-house HVAC system—a ducted mini-split setup, to be precise. Being that it was a huge undertaking and that there was little-to-no help online regarding a DIY install of this kind at the time we felt the need to document our process in the hopes that it might help others down the line who might be in a similar situation. That led to the beginning of our YouTube journey.

Of course, like most project warriors, once the A/C was done we got bored. With both of us working from home in a tiny spare bedroom of our 500 sqft house we decided we needed more space. In 2021, we were lucky enough to find a fixer upper that would afford us more space and years worth of DIY projects. That began the remodeling journey we are still currently in and is the basis for most of the content on our channel.

Over the years we have acquired a great number of new skills and, perhaps most importantly, a sense of confidence that has allowed us to tackle projects of all different types and scales. We built an entire building from the ground up (our 12x16 backyard shed), built a kitchen from scratch including all of the cabinetry, and even made a waterfall in our backyard.

As part time DIYers with day jobs completely unrelated to the worlds of building and carpentry, it is our believe that if we can do it—you can too!